Do you have any moving film clips of Frida Kahlo made by Lola Álvarez Bravo?


CCP holds three 16 mm film clips in the Lola Álvarez Bravo archive, but none of these have any footage of Frida Kahlo. All three films are listed in the Álvarez Bravo finding aid, and you can be request to view them for research purposes by following the links in the finding aid. 

One of the films, Fragmento. Película Frida - Tinina con concha, from 1951, features Tina Misrachi Martin moving through what looks like the Casa Azul courtyard with a conch shell watering plants. In 1951 Álvarez Bravo and Kahlo planned to make a film together, and they filmed a few excerpts during a three-day period that year. The rest of that film was never made as Frida's health declined. The clip at CCP of Tina is something that seems to have been made collaboratively by Lola and Frida, but does not include Frida herself.

There is another film clip by Álvarez Bravo that includes Frida Kahlo, but it is not held at CCP. The dancer, Tina Misrachi Martin, is the same dancer who is with Frida Kahlo in the clip of the two of them in the doorway seen in the other film. This other clip is at the Filmoteca UNAM in Mexico City. If you are interested in viewing that clip, please contact Filmoteca UNAM directly.  

  • Last Updated Dec 10, 2024
  • Views 9
  • Answered By Emily Una Weirich

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