Can you tell me if Ansel Adams took this photograph that I have in my own collection?


If you are interested in learning if Ansel Adams took a particular photograph, please provide us which as much information as possible to help identify it. We need the location of the photograph and date if you have it in order to search the negative catalogs, which are arranged using Adams’ system. Here is the link to the finding aid for Ansel Adams archive, which includes negative logs, correspondence, publications and other documents.

CCP is prohibited from providing appraisals. If you are interested in getting an appraisal or monetary evaluation of an object for insurance or other purposes, contact a professional appraiser in your area. Many auction houses, independent galleries, and antiques dealers offer appraisal services. Member associations can also refer you to specialists by region: International Society of Appraisers, American Society of Appraisers, and Appraisers Association of America are good places to look for these resources.       

  • Last Updated May 17, 2024
  • Views 8
  • Answered By Ashley Swinford

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