How do I find something in the Archives?




CCP uses a system called Aeon to manage all research appointments and requests, and you can find instructions for how to use Aeon on our website. Please use Aeon to request items.

CCP has archives, oral histories, fine prints, and books which are available for you to find and request:


  • Finding aids for all of our archives can be found online
  • This guide with instructions for how to use our finding aids includes some searching tips that may be helpful as you figure out what you would like to see
  • Once you have found something that you are interested in, please click on the "Aeon Request" button in the top right of an item's online record. 
    • If you already have an appointment scheduled, you can begin associating specific requests with appointments right away. You do not need to associate all requests with an appointment as you can just activate additional requests when you are here. Please do associate specific items for your first appointment (once it's setup!) so that we can have items ready and waiting for you when you arrive. You may request up to 15 items at a time. Ideally, we would like to have your initial box list a week in advance of your visit so that we can have some boxes ready and waiting for you when you arrive.

Oral Histories

  • CCP's oral histories are integrated into AG 19, Interviews and Oral Histories collection, and there are additional oral histories made by others within many archives at CCP.
  • Once you have found a recording that you are interested in, please click on the "Aeon Request" button in the top right of an item's online record.
  • Oral histories can only be played remotely via our online streaming service, Aviary. However, many will need to be migrated to newer digital media first, check the item's access statement for details.

Fine Prints

  • A very limited number of fine print research appointments are available.
    • Print viewing cannot be scheduled online. If you are considering print viewing for your research, please let staff know as soon as possible so that we can determine whether or not we will be able to accommodate your request. 
  • Requests and appointments must both be finalized a minimum of six weeks in advance.
  • CCP's fine prints can be accessed online through our online gallery, CollectionSpace
  • Please use the manual request form in Aeon to request fine prints
    • Once you have sent in your requests, staff will let you know if and/or which of the prints you requested can be shown



  • Last Updated Mar 13, 2024
  • Views 21
  • Answered By Emily Una Weirich

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